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About Hypno Gastric Band for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy gastric banding, also known as virtual gastric band hypnosis, is a technique that aims to help individuals lose weight by using hypnosis to create a mental image of undergoing a gastric band surgery. The idea is to convince the subconscious mind that the stomach has been reduced in size, similar to what would happen with a physical gastric band surgery, leading to reduced food intake and ultimately weight loss.


This is a programme of five sessions to ascertain suitability for the hypno gastric band procedure, preparation for installation, installation and adjustment sessions.

Here's how it works and how it may help with weight loss:


Hypnotherapy induces a state of deep relaxation where the individual becomes highly focused and receptive to suggestions. During hypnosis sessions, the therapist guides the individual through visualisation techniques to imagine undergoing gastric band surgery. This process is designed to create a strong belief in the subconscious mind that the stomach has shrunk in size.

Changing Eating Habits:

Through hypnosis, individuals may also be guided to adopt healthier eating habits and behaviours. This can include reducing portion sizes, eating more slowly, making healthier food choices, and avoiding emotional eating triggers.

Addressing Emotional Factors:

Hypnotherapy can help individuals address underlying emotional issues that contribute to overeating or unhealthy eating habits. By identifying and resolving emotional triggers, individuals may be better equipped to make positive changes in their eating behaviours.

Enhancing Motivation and Confidence:

Hypnotherapy can boost motivation and self-confidence, empowering individuals to stick to their weight loss goals and make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Reducing Stress:

Stress is often linked to overeating or making poor food choices. Hypnotherapy can help individuals manage stress more effectively, reducing the likelihood of turning to food for comfort.

It's important to note that hypnotherapy gastric banding doesn't physically alter the stomach's size but instead works on a psychological level to change perceptions and behaviours related to eating. It is advised that before considering hypnotherapy to consult with a medical professional to ensure that the chosen approach aligns with individual needs and is integrated into a well-rounded treatment plan for weight loss.


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